
2014 Single-channel video with sound HD, 1920×1080, 6’41”
2014 单视频录像 有声 高清,1920×1080,6’41”





This film is about the experience of a pirate living with only one eye. Viewers are expected to share his experience by watching the film with also one eye. The new technology device is used to shoot this film which aims to challenge viewer’s visual and sensory experience.


My sailor asked me, what is the feeling of being a one-eyed person.

I answered, “a bit darker…” Can’t wait for my explanations, he then shouted, “ What? So terrible, it is not about unclear, but dark?”

Actually, it is more than just dark. The outline and edge of nearby or distant objects are clear, but you can’t distinguish what it really is. It seems like you are in a flattened world. What’s more, my sight has no focal point. Both nearby and distant objects look like the same. If I try to look at things strongly, I always feel a twitching of pain in the head of my temples.

By only seeing things by one eye, my world is flat. When I take stairs I have to look around carefully, because I can’t distinguish whether there is an edge of the stairs or decorative cross line. Climbing the chunks of gravel-scattered mountain is the most challenging task, for which I couldn’t determine whether there is the protrusion or depression of surface. I also have weakness in using a sword , as I often couldn’t judge the distance of the person whom I want to attack and always accidentally drop the sword or miss cut. That’s why I prefer to use a gun, which I feel is easy to aim at my target.

There was a time when my greatest desire was that I could accurately get a Rum bottle on the table.

For those reasons, I always seem like kind of dull (Maybe it is true/ perhaps am I a real nerd? ) in the eyes of others. While I am fighting I feel hard to react on time.

When I closed my right eye, I try to see things only with my disabled left eye, my vision area is covered by a black shadow and sometimes there is a flowing dark-red blood image, which is perhaps the eyelid seen by my right eye. This is something I could not ignore.

Maybe I was born to be an only one-eyed man, a freedom pirate.








