
2010 Single-channel video with sound HD, 1920×1080
2010 单视频录像 有声 高清,1920×1080
The film interviews a chef during his break.He talks about a spice named “dragon’s semen” (Long Xian)used in his restaurant before and how this spice,lost for ages is found. It has special functions and is made with cruel method. The story is fictional.In China, illegal manufactures produces spices for profit by using various chemistry materials to enhance the taste of food which is indeed harmful to human’s health. The name Long Xian in fact, appears in ancient history, meaning the sperms of dragon. In this film,it is the symbol of the prevalent phenomenon about food security problem.
食堂的厨师在休息的时候接受了一个采访,在讲他以前在饭店里工作的时候用的一种调料—“龙涎” 和这种失传调料怎么被发现、有什么神奇功能和残忍的制作方法。这个故事是我编造的,但是又好像是真的。在中国会有人造香料和汤浓缩剂,各种为了味道好而使用化学方法配制成的调料层出不穷。而我说的“龙涎”字面意思就是龙的口水,可是以前古代就是会有“龙涎”的说法,但是就是指精液,然后我就顺着这个故事编成一个叫“龙涎”的食品调味料。

English version16