单通道录像装置, Single-channel video installation
彩色,有声,高清 1920×1080 18’27” Color,with sound,HD 1920×1080,18’27”
Three persons waiting for the bus at a bus stop, see the God of Wealth appearing in the opposite woods.They decide to catch him. They try to wait for his reappearance, lure him with money, and follow his traces. Finally the God of Wealth is caught and imprison in the spittoon.This work is presented as an installation with a constant jittering spittoon and peculiar sounds.
Installation Part
My original intention of making this work is to make another “fake video”.I chose God of Wealth which we just heard of from folklore in China. God of Wealth is a fabled mythic figure, while merchantman and people who pursue money could set God of Wealth in their store or at home and pray with three joss sticks piously every day. If asked who had ever seen God of Wealth? The answer is no. What is God of Wealth’s favorite things? No one knows. Since the belief that people who see the God will become a millionaire, people respect it. This video makes a real fun that 3 persons stood at a bus stop and suddenly saw a weird dressed man like thing, seems like God of Wealth, then they got a spittoon and intended to catch him. After a long time’s finding and using a series of means. God of Wealth was caught under the spittoon. The spittoon settled in a tabernacle displays in public and the spittoon also can’t stop shaking with some voices. Will you pray towards such a God? |
作品的初衷是想把一个只存在于民间传说里的人物实体化。在中国,财神是虚拟的神话人物,但是经商者或者迷信的人仍会在店里放一个财神,并且还要每天敬上三炷香。谁也没有真的见过财神。财神有什么喜好,人们对这个也语焉不详。但是见到财神会发财的信念流传已久,人们敬畏传说。这个录像就是一个笑话:三个人站在车站等车时,看到对面山上有财神,就拿一个人们用来装屎尿的器皿来抓财神。财神最后还是被人民币引出来,并且被扣进痰盂里面。然后有个装置就是一个会动的痰盂放在一个供财神的神龛里,还从痰盂里发出大喊的声音。这样的财神你还拜么?我的作品意在把一个虚幻的事物转化为看的见摸得着的“实在”。这样一来就没有人认为这是个能为你带来财运的东西。这个作品也是我对一味崇拜虚拟事物现象的消解和对什么才是真实的质疑。 |